NLP Modeling vs. Deep Trance Identification
Mar 13, 2016
NLP modeling techniques and Deep Trance Identification both have the end goal of helping people to step into greater levels of personal excellence by teaching us how to learn from others who are masterful in the areas that we would like to improve.
Modeling and DTI come at this from different ends of the spectrum. NLP modeling is a deductive process that relies on the modeler to consciously elicit and impliment unconscious information from the model. DTI on the other hand is an inductive approach that allows both the modeler and model to experience the skill and way of being on the uncsoncious level rather than making it conscious.
An example of this would be the hypnotist who spends hundreds of hours analyzing Milton Erickson's work and creating a conscious explanation for it versus the hypnotist who steps into Erickson's shoes and feels what it is like to do hypnosis as Erickson.
Both approaches compliment each other and are useful in the process of modeling.
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